Saturday, November 20, 2004

Casting 08 Part II-Let the circular firing Squad commence

the Democratic Party has to recover from 2000.. and they have to recover from it in the next 2 years. However that in my mind being unlikely here is my cast of people going for the democratic nomination

Hillary "Cuomo in 1992" Clinton:

Hillary hasn't done a thing in her political life on her own. When her name has been on the line she has been overly cautious and conservative in how she plays the political game. I think Hillary is going to play a waiting game, to tease the base that only she can come and save them... the problem is i think that will be exactlly the wrong thing to do. I think she will lose unless she comes out first and swinging hard. but i don't think she will.... i think she has been a smoke filled room kinda gal and when it comes to being the "face" of the Operation she simply will blow it.

Al "I won two times ago" Gore:

Al has gotten the Moonbats to like him, and so long as the Prince of Moonbats Howard Dean doesn't run Al will be their guy i think. Then once he has his sheeple in place he will magickally transform again into Al Gore 1988..... which didn't work good in 1988

John " I was in Vietnam" Kerry:

Heck, whats 4 million votes right? So John in a Stevensonian Like move started his campaign for 2008 by conceeding the race in 2004.... i don't think the Modern Democratic party can accept that kinda "Loser made good" story. Now... had John lost came back and done something with his life other then Run for President... i think we might have something here.

John " Whiplash" Edwards:

I wonder.. just how many more times can we hear about two Americas... or will John get a new campaign speech. Hopefully if John Edwards tries this he will have a guy sit him down and tell him what he did wrong... but John can you name the last failed VP canidate to become President? that would be FDR.. and he was New York governor before that.

the Governor's taking back the party posse:

I think much as the GOP in the lead-up to 2000 had a big class of Governor's that were making their name and a new way of doing buisness known to get the GOP back into gear we may see that in the Democratic party.

so i'll tick off the Class.... and We'll figure out who will be in it running for President later ( maybe more then one)

"Fast Eddie" Rendell from Pennsylvania
Bill "thank god people are still stealing from Los Alamos after i left" Richardson
and Mark "soon to be Unemployed" Warner

two men from Red states who are very popular, one from a growing demographic group, and one from a fulcrum swing state. these three will either be Kingmakers or King

Russ Feingold

the Party has gone Left, and Russ may try to argue "an Honest Progressive will win while a dishonest one will lose".. Russ may have a point

and the two stealthy 800 pound gorilla's to Hillary's blatant 800 pound gorilla

Howard Dean:

He can overcome the scream in 4 years... or he may decided to help get the party back with some W's and let some one else drop the ball in 2008. We'll know in Febuary which option he picks.

Evan Bayh:

Boring, Midwestern, Moderate, and popular in one of the most republican states in the Nation.

So.. can a Clintonesque canidate beat a Clinton... stranger things have happened

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