Thursday, October 14, 2004

I feel Ill

I am not a happy camper,

this election has depressed me a great deal. But i did not let it get to me emotionally.

I used emotional reasons to make descions in this election, but i did not let the election get
under my skin.

That has all changes, and i weep at this. I weep for my country that one political party has at
a national level done this dispicable thing.

In my lifetime i have voted for the canidate i felt best represented me, or the values i hold

While i believe that this other parties ideas were, while wrong, motivated out of a real sense
of whats best for this country.

I now feel, it is clear, that those in the driver's seat of this party are not at all motivated
by a real sense of the countries best intrest.

We have entered a political age, in both national and international politics are dominated by
self intrest. I can accept that, its normal and healthy. But now Self intrest is trumping
National intrest, and national reputation -this i cannot tolerate-.

The election observers in and of themselves bothered me at first, their trying to stir up the stolen
election canard. But after looking at the fact these people have observed elections in the past that
were controversial, to look at how they could make changes in their own systems, i was comfortable
with it.

"Remember Palm Beach county, remember florida 2000" i could tolerate, as it was normal
election hyperbole.

"Bush has a secret plan to disenfranchise black voters." I could tolerate because the democratic
party has made these baseless charges in the past.

But these things combined with the most recent act of irresponsible political actions has made me
sick in my stomach, it has made me weep in my heart for the future of our democracy.

John Kerry, a man who was formatively marked as an enemey of President Nixon, now stands as an even
more Nixonian figure then Al Gore.

Gore at least let the assumption the process would be fair happen, even though folks already had Florida
was stolen in the works.

John Kerry has through the DNC taken our electoral process and done what even Nixon would not do
said "John Kerry is more important then the process."

Dirty tricks happen, i accept that because i am a grown up. But in destroying the process as these
steps begin to do, John Kerry now has made things worse.

This, much as the florida lawsuits have now gone on everywhere, will become the norm. Not just for
Presidential elections but for all elections.

Politicians will have to raise greater sums of money, and spend less time doing the Public's buisness.

As these attrocities grow the divide between political parties will grow wider.

We will become more like europe in that regard, our politics will become corse and monolithic.
People will cross party lines less and less, and real ideas will no longer be discussed.

Thats the road these actions seek to take us on.

When taken in reflection with his past, a man who used false testimony to attack a war. a man who
collaberated with enemey agents in a foriegn country as a tool of their propeganda, we see now
why these tales are relevent. John Kerry has not been intrested in the good of anyone but himself.

The war in Vietnam was going to go down, John Kerry alone was not what killed it. But i fear in my
heart that John Kerry and the shortsightedness of his campaign may put the fatal wound on our republic

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