Thursday, October 14, 2004

More Things John Kerry Didn't get from Tony S

Some one i respect in the Blog world made a few errors here in Judgement so

Let me first show Why Johnny K should have listened to Tony S

#1 You Don't go after family Ever. thats an old rule of mafia honor. Now, i know what your saying Did John Kerry go after Dick Cheney's family? Did John Edwards? the answer is yes.

Have the Bush folks sold "Gay people are evil" in their campaign?
Have they said Gay people shouldn't have rights or privilleges
they are playing the "radical court" card for the FMA.

John Kerry bringing up Cheney's daught was an attack on the Ethos of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

George Bush and Dick Cheney believe in one rule for them, and one for you.

John was using Dick Cheney's daughter as a trout to slap the republicans with.

Dick Cheney and his wife have delt with their daughter and her lifestyle in a way they feel is appropriate. They don't pull an alan keyes and attack that which is within their own home.

That was why it was a low blow, Bush didn't make Gay stuff a big issue -Kerry did-.

the FMA isn't about gay people ( though it effects them) it's about the Stench from the bench.

Thats why it was out of line, Kerry could attack that it was really discriminatory, but to say their is a double standard for Bush is wrong.

Bush could make an Issue of Kerry's wife being a class A moonbat
Bush could make an Issue of how Kerry drove his first wife into a Mental Vacility

Bush, like Tony S knows that you don't go after familu

#2 Answer the question, In the mafia world when you end up infront of a judge and jury you have to answer questions correctly. If you give to much information you may screw some one else up on the stand. You may give the feds (or the state) more ammo to attack you with. Answer the question, or plead the 5th

This is the second reason the Cheney crack was wrong, it didn't answer the question. and it made him look like a Jerk.

he could have used another antecdote to crack on Bush about it, he didn't have to take that road.

Now, off the Tony S thing to the point of Gay stuff being in play

The genetics argument hasn't been proven scientifically, worse if it does then it asks all sorts of questions which make our sexuality, whom we love and are attracted to meaningless.

People have the wrong idea about choice, here are some examples

An addict does choose to feed that hunger, but he has chemical impulses driving him. He has feelings he is running away from, he has alot of other really complex social and mental forces at play in that choice.

an addict choosing his vice, is different then me choosing pepsi or Diet Pepsi. I like both, they are essentially the same, and i am not out any money.

Example #2- If I was taught that all black people are subhuman, but i still freely make these choices. But my very view of the world was shapped by a negative formative experience and thus how i think makes that the only possible outcome.

But it would still in this scenario be my choice.

Example #3- as a child the smell of honey becomes assosiated with honey, and thus has a positive correlation in my mind. Now, when i go out to buy products ( or choose people) in my mind the smell of honey will assosiate that item or person with positive endorphins

but, i still choose

Choice is not all "Do i wear the Blue shirt or the Light blue shirt" today.

Choice depends on how your head is wired.

now does that make Homosexuality an addiction or an Illness?

Not all the time, but that may be the case.

Does that make homosexuality something that was learned about in a way that restructured how i think?

Maybe, but not always

the answer is, the genetic answer is to pat and scientifically in error.

Perhaps the worst of the things John Kerry did in bringing this up was rehash that myth

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