Wednesday, September 01, 2004

and Darth Cheney took the podium

I'd have liked Cheney to say more in his speech to the convention, but i have a very distinct feeling whomever is running this convention for the Republicans wants their question (and answer) of why you should vote for George Bush firmly in your head.

the Theme is "Bush is the leader we need right now, to do what we need."

with the all important subtheme "Kerry is a radical lefty who has been wrong and all the important calls for our national security."

And really, this is the only issue that at this point has real traction.

Do you want a President who pre-emptively takes out those who want to harm us, or a president who waits till harm happens. Thats the question the VP wanted you to ask yourself.

Do you want a President who will build a co-alition even if a few nations don't come along, or do you want a president who waits till the UN has it all signed and checked off.

and The President seems to be doing a good job so far with Trumping Kerry on this issue. Had Kerry Ran along a Lieberman line, as strong as the President on Terrorism and threats to this country, it'd be a whole other race.

and of course, selling George bush as a great guy, with a deep and thoughtful soul.

Cheney's speech was effective, it just really didn't go into what i wanted

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