Friday, August 27, 2004

Even the Boston Pravda gets it

It's tempting to label the Kerry campaign's stunt of sending former Sen. and triple amputee Max Cleland to Crawford, Texas, to hand-deliver a letter to the president as cute, if petty, politics. But even that is giving them too much credit.

Forgive us for thinking that such tactics are usually preserved for, say, city council races.

I think it would have been better if they had Larry Flynt do it to, ya know really send a strong message.

The schlocky stunt looked as desperate as it surely was, and actually underscored Kerry's Purple Heart dilemma. Cleland himself didn't even earn a Purple Heart in Vietnam because his wounds weren't sustained by enemy fire.

The longer Vietnam dominates the campaign, the harder it will be for Kerry to get traction on issues that could sway voters to his side. This is a different dynamic for Kerry, whose service and anti-war record have always been a political plus. But this is the big leagues, and Kerry had better come up with something to change the subject. A phony photo op ain't going to do it.

right if Cleland=Kerry then that means accidents with Grenades equal valor under fire ( from the pitch of their respective records)

good for you Boston pravda for getting this dead on

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