Thursday, August 26, 2004

Here is a serious question: Has John Kerry slipped a gear

As i was in the Student Union i was struck by some of the Kerry News Coverage

"The point isn't that these ads (from 527s) are wrong the point is this specific ad being wrong."

so, instead of taking the high ( bipartisan) road and making all political groups accountable, the Kerry campaign spokesman said it is only about the groups who attack Kerry.

Other groups have questioned Bush's service,
John Kerry has questioned Bush's service

the fact no one actually stood up and said this to the Kerry spokesman was truely striking to me.

What else struck me was that Kerry didn't stand up to the 527s with Bush, which would have made everyone look good.

and the McCain-Fiengold 60 day no ad clock is almost on, its not like Kerry can use them anymore anyway.

Does Kerry think "Fear and Smear" will work?

Does Kerry also not realize that the same undercurrent among vietnam vets that hate him, also hate John McCain?

Both men enabled North Vietnamese propeganda during the war. In McCain's case he was badly injured at the time they talked him into making some of the comments he did.

Both men are widely believed to have "written off" the Pow's so the brutal regime in Hanoi could become a new Us Market.

Isn't it just possible that these same Vets, bitter at McCain's actions surrounding those two issues were against him for the same reason they are against you? feeling that he to was UNFIT to comand?

You ever wonder why McCain didn't thump his chest about vietnam? maybe its because he realized that he had some negatives to that, and he had a record he felt he could be proud of.

Kerry speaks with pride of his anti-war activities as a statement of the kind of president he will be.

Using fraudlent Veterans to make fraudlent testimony
Being backed up by other fraudlent vets
and being funded by Jane "You should pray to god that you can be a communist" fonda.

What kind of President does that say he will be?

and then he goes to another rally talking about being a "War Hero...War Hero... War Hero."

the Duality of his actions amaze me, it amazes me that no one in the media runs him through

He sends Max Cleland, a man who is also bitter against Bush to do a stunt at the ranch in crawford. But when a group wanted to give Cleland a letter for Kerry, he left the scene. He could be the center of a farce, but he wouldn't let the farce be turned around on him.

I see Democrats online calling Cleland a war hero. Having an accident with your grenade doesn't make you a war hero. Nor does quibling over how much time you served in "vietnam". Kerry is counting his service on a boat that shuttled people from Westpac bases into Vietnam as serving in vietnam.

you were in Vietnam theater operations John, but by that token then so was Tom Harken who flew repaired planes back to vietnam from the Phillipines

So Are the Phillipines now Vietnam?
What does We mean?
What is the definition of Is?

this election is without a doubt schitzophrenic, and it has to do with the mercurial transformative Kerry charecter. No one man has ever been legitmately in his life so many things to so many people. ad to this the natural political flair for this sort of thing, and you understand why i wish that Tommy Lee's reality show was on so i could actually take something hard core enough to numb my mind

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