Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blogger missing... Presumed dead

Well not really

though God seems to be attempting to thwart my move here

but here is where things are going to be going.

Larry is going to work tommorrow
Larry returns home and packs various and assundry things
Larry Sleeps
Larry removes large objjects which I couldn't fit in my car and packs them into the truck we rented
We drive to tampa
We Unpack
I get my room in a position of some order
I go to my buddy phil's party

some time on saturday i will hace a post moving blog post

then I will start posting next week once a day about what i thought of each of my classes.

then their will be some job related posts ( my looking and what not) and other posts about the adventure of my life

and I will be actually able to poliblog soon.. I am growing numb to the bile i feel

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