Sunday, December 18, 2005

Loud Howard Sunday

Its Sunday and our good friend Loud Howard has gone out and put out a new full court press in the “We have a plan for the country” tour the Democrats are trying to do.”

"In the spirit of all the holidays that Americans celebrate at this time of year and the values we share, I want to talk about what Democrats believe what will make our American community stronger," the former Vermont governor said.
Here is the first problem here; it is obvious that Loud Howard is trying to trick people with values by mentioning things like the spirit of the holidays. However instead of talking about what the Democrats believe, they are talking about what the Democrats believe can make this country stronger.

Here is the problem with that strategy… If the audience doesn’t trust –you- or believe you have a good agenda for the country selling them on an Agenda you have fails to establish trust. Also the problem with that strategy is when (as you see bellow) you basically say “It is the stuff we always believed in” that takes away from the “We don’t think you’re fly over country anymore honest.” Attitude Dean and the party needs to radiate.
In his remarks, which made multiple references to the holiday season, Dean touched on issues ranging from job creation and improved public education to a strong national defense and universal health care.

Again here is the problem. The reason the values card has worked for the Republicans nationally, and various Democrats locally is because they work first on saying “Hey man I’m one of you.” Howard Dean is like the guy at the party who is name dropping, only he is name dropping Jesus.
"With a Democratic majority we will pass those bills so that we can stop the scandals that are going on in Washington throughout the government," he said.
Hmmmm…. Well maybe instead of whining you use the skills you have to derail Presidential action items to pass bills with pliable Republicans…. Oh wait that’s right that would mean you legitimately care, and aren’t just in this to make political hay. You can stop anything you want in the Senate dead; you can stop things on a good day in the house. The fact that you say “We’ll do this all if you elect us” shows again the Democrats trying to make 2006 their 1994 don’t get the fact before 1994 the Republicans got legislation passed. They made things happen.
"In the spirit of the Christmas season, we also think it's wrong to cut things like funding for crutches and school lunches for poor children," he said.
Here is another reason why the Dean strategy will win. The more he tries to paint the Republicans as Simon Lagree the more it shows the negativity of the Democratic party position in the election. You don’t win elections by saying the other guy is evil, you win elections by saying you are good.

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