Tuesday, May 24, 2005

god #*_(#*@(*#@(_@#

Well folks We see the fine Legal system ( there is no way you call this a justice system) in the state of Florida has done it again

Now, Tate again faces the possibility of a long stretch in prison, especially since a judge last October said he would have "zero tolerance" for probation violations after Tate was caught with a knife blocks from his home late at night.

and it just gets better

he brutally murdered some one.. he had a knife as a prohbation violation and now armed robbery

Police said Tate called for a pizza delivery from the apartment of a 12-year-old friend, then pulled a gun on the delivery man and chased him, police said. The delivery man threw down the pizzas and fled, authorities said.

Tate was also charged with forcing his way into the friend's apartment and roughly shoving the boy aside.

So we can charge him with

Prohbation violation (10 years)
B+E (whatever that works out to these days)
CHild abuse ( a stiff penalty)
Armed Robbery
violation of 10/20/life (if he was dumb and shot the gun minimum of 20 years)

Hopefully the state can get this animal into jail for at least 20 years...

while i feld that the life inprisonment for a 14 year old was a little ridiculous we now see that the prosecution was right

this kid was never going to change his evil ways

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