Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Merry Christmas Kinder

The Same Churches who complain on Christmas being banned from Target and other big stores have their doors closed on Christmas Sunday.

The churches closing on Christmas plan multiple services in the days leading up to the holiday, including on Christmas Eve. Most normally do not hold Christmas Day services, preferring instead to mark the holiday in the days and night before. However, Sunday worship has been a Christian practice since ancient times.

Yes Christian Churches have known since time immemorial that people show up for Christmas Sunday services.... Even on CHRISTMAS DAY~!

While i've not been a huge fan of the study of religion by professional colleges I have to agree with this intellectual

"This is a consumer mentality at work: `Let's not impose the church on people. Let's not make church in any way inconvenient,'" said David Wells, professor of history and systematic theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a leading evangelical school in Hamilton, Mass.

Being a believer isn't easy. It isn't a thing that you just wear like a badge... and if you do your short changing your faith. I shouldn't have to tell this to christian folk.

one of the affected churches makes this lame defense

"If we weren't having services at all, I would probably tend to feel that we were too accommodating to the secular viewpoint, but we're having multiple services on Saturday and an additional service Friday night," Willison said. "We believe that you worship every day of the week, not just on a weekend, and you don't have to be in a church building to worship."

Yes they hold multiple services.... on Normal weeks.

Catholics and other mainline denominations know that people show up on Christmas Sunday services....

And they have far higher overhead then the people who spend time talking about how "Unworthy" they are of Christ.

Well... I guess we can say in this time the mainline churches definately know what Jesus would do.

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