Monday, June 27, 2005

Score one for Osama Obama

"I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator," Obama said. "As a law professor and civil rights lawyer and as an African-American, I am fully aware of his limited views on race. Anyone who actually reads the Emancipation Proclamation knows it was more a military document than a clarion call for justice."

Obama isn't some one who is willing to buy into the PC history of Lincoln and the civil war.. good for him. And i'll even excuse him the following....

"In Lincoln's rise from poverty, his ultimate mastery of language and law, his capacity to overcome personal loss and remain determined in the face of repeated defeat - in all this, he reminded me not just of my own struggles. He also reminded me of a larger, fundamental element of American life - the enduring belief that we can constantly remake ourselves to fit our larger dreams," Obama wrote in a package dubbed 'Uncovering the Real Abe Lincoln,' on newsstands Monday.

Abe rose from poverty by helping prominent Whigs get land at bargain basement prices.... to much Mythology exists around the man... and Obama just took a big whack at it

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