Monday, January 16, 2006

RINO SIGHTINGS: Three Day Weekend edition

RINO SIGHTINGS: Three Day Weekend Edition

In R.I.N.O Land we have a tradition of tossing out some of the best of our best for a little viewership pleasure every week. And Since Indy was beaten in the playoffs (Curse you god) and New England lost (thank you god) so its time to take a dive into the posts.

First we have a class of posts by bloggers who always have top notch posts and this is no exception. First Decision 08 goes into detail on the NSA leak and how it has harmed National Security. He has a scoop with his posts here.

AJ over on the STRATA-SPHERE is also on the NSA case examining the angle involving the FISA court and Judge James Robertson here.

Armies of Liberation is taking about foreign policy from Canada and how it Impacts YEMEN.

Reports are also in on Nicolas Sarkozy, the man I think may be the salvation of France and how he is triangulating the immigration issue over on Pigilito Says.

Over on Evolution they are looking at the Kansas Legislature and how a audit of the books brings a good amount of money to the state school system.

Say Uncle has done some follow up on MTV and their anti-gun bias.

And now we have the posts that are still top notch, but hit more here where we live on the net.

The Commisar, the Frank Sinatra of team Raging R.I.N.Os takes the multicultural left and puts them up to ridicule using some multi-cultural comparison.

Don Surber, the Dean Martin of team Raging R.I.N.Os takes the political right media complex to task for not following a paper trail. We don’t want to be “Fake…but accurate

Orac has decided to kick Pat Robertson while he’s down and who doesn’t like to do that?

Barry Campbell has added some Pro-Liberty resources to his site. You should look at them and maybe add them to yours, because this is some good stuff here.

Professor Bainbridge is out defending conservatism, and does a pretty good job.

Legal Redux shows that Judge Alito has played a little politics with his answers.

And last –heck, cause I’m hosting it… I get to go in last-

I talk about the book from L. Paul Bremmer and what the Media isn’t saying about it. How we’ve been fighting a war against Iran on the fields of Iraq. And while fighting the proxies of Iran, we asked Iran to make them peaceable.

That’s RINO sightings folks. IF you submitted a post and DID NOT see it here, please drop me a line over at karasoth-(at)-gmail-(dot)-com. And I will amend the list accordingly.

Ex-Donkey covers more moonbattery. (in a link i missed)

Searchlight crusade proves once again a great financial planning resource with this post (second one I missed)

Mamacatia brings some Humor to the Alito hearings.

Over on the Liberal wrong wing a bit of Judicial Philosophy gets presented.

Bellow the Beltway, the Joey Bishop of the R.I.N.O crew further hammers the issue of congressional accountability

The Young Conservative hammers the issue of Crazy mullah's with nuclear weapons

Fearless Philosophy for Free Minds joins the Blogger Army to try and influence a Majority Leader pick.

1 comment:

Ellena said...

Appreciate your bblog post