Sunday, January 08, 2006

MS-13 is "Dangerous" says the FBI

A gang that traces its roots back to a Central American Death Squad. Now to some one like me, that pretty much establishes them as Very Dangerous (just a notch down from the Islamic Terrorist types) and it seems that the Federal Government thinks so to now. Well good for them….

But what happened in Houston on Nov. 2, FBI and Houston police officials say, has heightened concerns that MS-13 could be far more dangerous than thought.
The MS-13 suspects swept through the house like a well-trained assault team, using paramilitary tactics including perimeter lookouts, high-powered weaponry (an AK-47 rifle was among the weapons recovered later), and a quick, room-by-room sweep of the house that was notable for its precision and sophistication, Houston police spokesman Alvin Wright says.
When the MS-13 suspects were challenged by authorities, the result was an intense shootout that killed two suspects, identified as Juan Antonio Bautista, 29, and Jose Antonio Pino, 33. The four others were arrested and face an array of state charges, including robbery and assault.
Bob Clifford, who directs the FBI unit created last year to combat MS-13, says the battle symbolized MS-13's development from a smattering of loosely organized cells across the nation to an increasingly efficient and dangerous organization that has become a significant threat to public safety.

Hmmmm Maybe when you know that the Gang was formed from the tattered remains of a Central American Para-Military Group you might have seen this coming? Or a group that has offered to help Al-Qaeda out?

And we of course also see that when the State tries to outlaw our cold drugs, only the outlaws will have them… largely by stealing them.
In several cases, Hanson says, the suspects used a special bag that blocked the drugstores' electronic sensors from detecting items that were being stolen from the stores.
"The suspects researched Walgreens throughout the Midwest and on a routine basis averaged $45,000 to $55,000 worth of stolen merchandise per day," Hanson says.
Clifford says "it would be dangerous to look at MS-13 as just another street gang."

Yes yes but…a Gang Descended from Paramilitaries which is allying with Al FREAKING Qaeda getting access to some key components for making Meth (which means they can make lots of quick and cheap meth) is a problem isn’t it. And when they are showing more refined and more paramilitary tactics this is a very big problem now isn’t it.

So lets review… because we as a society have not put pressure on people to learn English we have Spanish Speaking Ghettos (original European meaning of ghetto) where these people can live without having to speak a lick of English. Allow these people to smuggle in illegal immigrants… and heck looks like they are smuggling SKS’s to.

You see this was a problem that could have been avoided yet some folks in this country have become so addicted to illegal aliens we now are brewing a future terrorist front in this country ourselves if we don’t shut these guys down now.

Good job their folks.

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