Monday, April 10, 2006

Weird stuff I'll actually put up on my LJ

LiveJournal Username
Spaceship Name
Spaceship Size
How is the spaceship piloted?
How is the spaceship powered?
What's the upholstery like on the seats?
How do you see outside the spaceship?
What's the spaceship's primary purpose?
What's the Captain's catchphrase?
Main Weapon System:Rock Music
Main Defensive System:Energy Shield
Chance of catastrophic failure at critical moments
Voice of the ship's computer:bigkevn
Finds mandatory uniform unflattering:emeraldstar
Looks sexy in mandatory uniform:bigkevn
Ripped sleeves off mandatory uniform:genjadeshade
Spends an unhealthy amount of time in the weapons locker:genjadeshade
This Fun Quiz created by Akhmed at BlogQuiz.Net
Taurus Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

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