Monday, July 11, 2005

I hate to do this about Michelle Malkin post

But she was shilling an L.A Times editorial that well had some issues.

Let me take some issue with the times editorial....

Did the industry have to go out of its way to snub "The Passion of the Christ" at award shows because of its perceived conservatism — even though the movie saved last year's box office?

#1) a good box office draw does not mean a movie is good (sorry George)
and (more importantly)
#2) The Passion of the christ was not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination.

Sitting down and talking to Christians about that film who rave about it, until i tell them how un-biblical it was amazingly turn on that film faster then a pancake maker.
Did we need a movie like "Kingdom of Heaven" asserting moral equivalency between medieval Crusaders and modern Muslim terrorists, by putting lines in Crusaders' mouths such as: "To kill an infidel is not a sin"?

again... a really lousy movie which i think probably only drew what it did because women like Orlando Bloom's metro-sexual charms.

Did we need George Lucas implying that his latest "Star Wars" film is intended as an anti-Bush parable about the Iraq war, in which America plays the evil empire? (I thought the movie was an artistic success, but Lucas' comments spoiled my enjoyment and kept me from repeated viewings.)

Ok at this point she likes the Passion AND Episode III it is very clear she has no clue what is or is not a good movie.

A conservative writer/director friend was developing a script last year about the Iraq war and the capture of Saddam Hussein. My friend says that after $500,000 was spent developing the project, the studio head pulled the plug because, as he put it, any movie depicting the capture of Hussein might help Bush.

Another writer/producer friend, a former president of a major industry association, said that immediately after Sept. 11 he wanted to do a pro-American project that denounced Islamic terrorism — but none of his colleagues would support it.

And my husband, Jason Apuzzo, and I wanted to make a film that depicted the realities of Islamo-fascism. Our script featured positive and negative Muslim characters (I was to play the lead positive Muslim character), and did the rounds of various independent production companies.

The script received great feedback but encountered a stumbling block when creative executives expressed concern that our Muslim terrorists "weren't sympathetic enough." They wanted us to "explain the terrorists' motivations more."

Ok we are back on the same boat here.... a capture of Saddam movie could be a very good movie. As for the anti-terrorist movies... Heck the muslim protest related press would sell the films.

these producers who shot stuff down were clearly morons... no questions asked.

Everyone — liberal and conservative — acknowledges that a once-great film industry is out of ideas and in dire shape. Wouldn't it be smart, then, to let some new ideas in from the right, and give everybody a real choice again at the box office?

Forget the politics angle... Hollyweird is just plain out of ideas.

How about movies involving Men struggling to live a life as men with what society expects of them that doesn't tear down the societal expectations or plays the men are pigs card? we've seen those other two ideas but lets try the first.

Cause i can tell you if films and television are about escapism the second and third choices there... that is far to close to the way women treat men ( and many men view themselves)

It isn't a conservative or liberal thing... its called a hollywood culture, like much of the big buisness culture in america, that is avoiding risk taking. While the system was always streamlined and controled.. it is more sterile now.

So lets take the politics out of it
#1) Hollywood is out of Ideas
#2) we don't see allot of Pro-America/Pro-Traditional Values type of movies themes out there in the mainstream studio system.

It isn't politics.. it is a hollywood system that would rather lose a ton of cash on a sure thing, then try something out there.

Look at films like National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribean, Spider-Man... films that kicked the door down on the hollywood system.

Maybe they just don't know what they are doing...

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