Saturday, July 09, 2005

Ken Kerns; should have thought some of this out better

I like Ken, of my friends online who are of a different political philosophy Ken isn't a kool-aid drinker.

That having been said I see Ken has fallen into some group think elements over in DNC land

To summarize, he claims that conservatism stole class-consciousness for their use because mass media and mass culture had de-emphasized economics thus allowed the Right to do the same even as they use the rhetoric of left-wing populism from the turn of the century. As America drew itself to this rhetoric as it had before, in an appeal to an ideal, foregone past, liberals also abandoned the economic to chase socially liberal voters. And this only helped the cultural dynamic the Right uses to bring in blue-collar voters by fueling the Backlash. But even as they rant against Hollywood's social values, the Right is doing everything it can to give Hollywood a tax cut. And Hollywood's culture is only getting more disgusting because disgusting is more popular; no one ever stopped to think about ways to change Hollywood.

Problem #1) the claim in the book ( which Ken later runs with) Is that the Republicans use bad economics because it's been de-emphashized. Well first of all the author is dishonest, and Ken is dishonest to by not rapping him across the knuckles. Political parties don't get elected by advocating good policy these days. they get elected by giving you free ice cream and candy.
Problem #2) First of all Tax Cuts don't only go to the limosine set in the democratic party, they also go to small buisness people. The majority of small buisness have their assets filed under personal income taxes. Because the government uses numbers dishonestly it becomes a "tax cut for the rich" more bad economic thought tolerated by all media and promoted by the democrats.

Now the culture war thing has more ( much more) to do with the baby boomers aging and realizing that "hey people saying the 7 words actually impact children I have now." So really it was a reaction to the folks from the 60s and 70s finally growing up and realizing all that home spun wisdom of their parents wasn't total bunk.

Now... I am not taking this on as a problem because everyone except Dick Morris when he advised Bill Clinton got these problems dead wrong. Now I don't like the Clinton-Morris approach either, because i find the whole argument largely silly when we should as the government encourage people to "Just turn the tv off"

So Ken another good online friend can join hands with Pat Hynes for a large disagrement on my part.

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