Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lucky you're not british

Hat tip to LGF

J Chirac went ahead and present some well... astounding thoughts to the French people

“Certainly, their unemployment is lower than ours. But if you take the big elements in society — health policy, the fight against poverty, . . . spending involving the future — you notice that we are much, much better placed than the English.”

M Chirac said that France spent 5.6 per cent of its annual income on education, compared with Britain’s 4.2 per cent. Later, citing Britain unprompted, he noted that 7 per cent of French children lived in poverty compared with 17 per cent in Britain

Hmmmmmmm how is it that more french children live outside of poverty when less french people have a job?

ooo oooh I know is it huge state stipends?

Well that it lets just spend other people's money till we feel better. Isn't that great.

So more money =better

well that explains Paris Hilton to me now... thanks Mr. President

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