Monday, July 11, 2005

More Plame Games

From Olbermansch and Abrams over at MSNBC we see some rather redundant commentaries on the Plame case. Of the two I respect Abram’s a bit more then the Olbermansch. But lets review what –in my mind- are the only facts that actually matter in the case of Valerie Plame and its current victim Judith Miller

#1) Valerie Plame may be, assuming she did not neglect to inform us in her vanity fair article of other CIA work is not covered under the law as a clandestine agent. She may manage or advise Clandestine Operatives but by all facts freely available right now it is clear she is not one, and thus no crime was committed.

#2) If Karl Rove is the genesis of this matter, and if his emails to Cooper are telling we have two important facts revealed that he did not out her identity, and that he was more concerned about discrediting her husbands work. It is even possible as well that Karl Rove was not some one who would be classified as a covered person under the Law so here again no crime was committed.

So, it is fairly clear that no one actually committed a crime. So why has money been wasted on this garbage? Here are all the facts you need to know:

#1) the fact Valerie Plame pushed to get her husband into the mix to make the “yellow cake” incident look bogus looks bad on the CIA. The fact a CIA agent would purposefully press for some one to look into something she called “crazy”. This means some one privy to the internal matters added to the press accounts of her actions. This is why it was important to investigate this so far as the CIA was concerned.

#2) This was coming to fruit during an election cycle when the democrats were using Joe Wilson’s editorial (which doesn’t match his statements to the CIA. nor his sworn testimony to the Intelligence committee). So their was political pressure for this investigation to happen.

Again, pretty simple stuff huh?

What isn't so simple? Why the story that didn't happen from the Wilson-Plame Fiasco
#1) Why did a wife play an important role in suggesting her husband for any mission for the agency?
#2) Why was a former advisor to Al Gore, and a probable ( and later definate) advisor to a Democratic canidate for president allowed to run a sensative mission for the CIA?
#3) how come now one asked "Hey Is he running an attack for the democrats?"
#4) after Ms. Plame's well known disdain for the Yellow Cake story was she allowed to select a crucial investigator in that situation?
#5) How come Joe Wilson has told three different stories about his investigation?

I think all 5 of those make far more signifigant news stories then a clear case where a woman is going to jail for something where clearly no law has been broken.

I also don't think, again assuming the cooper relevations is the worst of things, that anyone intended to reveal her identity... heck even her role in the whole scenario. I think it was more to show Joe Wilson for the fraud he clearly is....

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