Sunday, October 23, 2005

More Miers Problems

Forget the funky fees her firm got from the Bush Gubenatorial campaign back in 98.... I think we have a new silver bullet here

The three-member committee that determined the price included Peggy Lundy, a friend of Miers, and property-rights activist Cathie Adams, Knight Ridder reported. They were appointed to the panel by state District Judge David Evans, who had received at least $5,000 in campaign contributions from Miers' law firm.

And the fact this commisison was headed by a friend and appointed by a judge her firm gave money to is not the worst part of this story

( And she had no idea her firm gave money to the judge.... seems she doesn't know alot about this firm she ran)

This is the worst part.

According to Knight Ridder, the land _ which was part of a large Superfund pollution cleanup site _ was valued at less than 30 cents a square foot. But the panel recommended paying nearly $5 a square foot for it.

The price was later reduced from $106,915 to $80,915, but Miers has yet to return the $26,000 difference to the state, said the story by Jack Douglas Jr. and Stephen Henderson

I don't see how Bush can continue with her canidacy at this point.....

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