Sunday, October 16, 2005


Condi Rice coming out for Miers...Hmmmmmm Maybe some one finally woke up at the white house. Condi the "wet dream" ( fellow condi lovers out there you know it is true) of folks on the right... now see her coming out for the Miers nomination.

Some intresting POVs

Rice said she has worked closely with Miers, the current White House counsel and a former deputy chief of staff on international legal issues, on matters such as a President's wartime powers.

Intresting thought #1) She was never stressed as a deputy chief of staff before.
Intresting thought #2) the Wartime powers will be worse for her hearings if they are true. But -perhaps- all the negative conservative voices out there are a strategy to keep the democrats from focusing on it. "Why beat them up when they are doing it to themselves"

Asked whether she urged Bush to select Miers, Rice said, "I'm not in the habit of recommending Supreme Court justice nominees to the president."

I love things that don't answer questions like this

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